Amrita Institute of Advanced Research is a not-for-profit entity dedicated to promoting compassion-driven research and education for the benefit of society; designed to uplift humankind.

AIAR will focus on education committed to social needs and will engage in research to innovate affordable, sustainable and environment friendly products and processes. This will include research on diagnostic and therapeutic products to improve human health; integrative medicine, reduction of poverty; improving access to clean energy and water; improving access of women to education and jobs training so as to empower them; using sensors, wireless and artificial intelligence technologies to lower cost, accuracy and predictability in areas such as healthcare and disaster relief; and furthering research in next generation technological areas.


  • To foster scientific medicine and sustainable technologies through advanced molecular research that have immediate benefit for society.
  • Provide educational programs in medicine and sustainable technologies


  • Conduct research on new medicinal formulations, including novel and targeted delivery systems design and immunotherapies and biotherapeutics.
  • To conduct molecular studies on composition and mechanisms of action of medicines
  • To develop efficient and sustainable energy and electronics technologies with advanced materials
  • Establish an artificial intelligence-based digital health platform
  • To empower women and other vulnerable segments of the population through education and skill development programs using technology tools such as augmented and virtual reality and haptics.
  • To conduct educational/training programs in health care, molecular technologies, semiconductor technologies and empowerment of women and disadvantaged communities.

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