Sustainable Health Division (SHD)
Conventional healthcare is increasingly becoming less affordable for the society. Despite billions of dollars invested in new treatments and drugs at huge cost to society, there is an increasing imbalance between unfavorable side-effects, or toxicity, and therapeutic efficiency. Cost of drugs and treatments are skyrocketing and there is more of a need to transition to personalized treatments and shift the center of gravity of healthcare away from specialized centers to individuals who need care with the help of technology. The drug discovery process itself has long crossed the boundaries of sustainability with some drugs requiring almost 1 billion dollars and 15 years of research before reaching a patient. Society today is considering targeted and immunotherapeutic approaches which is focused on strengthening the body’s own capacity for curing ailments. Traditional medicine also has the same approach through non-toxic natural ingredients that indirectly strengthen the body’s immunity. Strengthening the body’s regenerative capacity and immunity is a sustainable paradigm of healthcare and drug discovery.
What will AIAR Do?
AIAR will be at the forefront of the new push towards sustainable healthcare.
Traditional medicines will be scientifically evaluated for their potential targeting and immune responses. Computer sciences and artificial intelligence will be brought to bear on extracting new knowledge and applying predictive analytics using large data banks. Digital technologies will be integrated with microelectronic devices and sensors to empower the patient.
- Educational courses on holistic health, Ayurveda (Indian traditional medicine) and medicinal plants
- Awareness raising seminars, lectures, webinars
- Certification courses on sustainable drug discovery and regenerative medicine.
- Certification courses in natural formulation processing from natural sources
- Courses on preventative health – diet and health food preparation
- Courses on digital electronics for health
Sustainable Technologies Division (SUSTED)
Reducing our reliance of depleting energy and material resources has now become an unavoidable sustainability goal for new technologies. 10 billion dollars of precious metals are dumped each year in electronic waste alone. The switch to lithium-based energy appears short lived with Li supply expected to run out in as little as ten years given the current and anticipated boom in Li-based energy. Fresh drinking water is depleting due to pollution and unsanitary practices and new remediation technologies are needed to restore the balance.

What will AIAR Do?
AIAR will focus on innovative sustainable technologies that are cost-effective
- Establish recycling technologies, initially with recycling of Li batteries
- Optimize energy technologies to increase power output
- New technologies for clean energy
- New technologies for environmental remediation
- Lab internship programs
- Educational programs in sustainable technology

Social Sustainability Division (SSD)
Women are the carriers of tradition and the cradle for future generations considering their major role in child development. Yet modern society faces tough challenges to create an equitable environment fostering the power of women to bring in creativity and compassion to the workplace. This is true even in the most advanced societies that have drifted towards modernization and loss of traditions. There is an urgent need to re-empower women through innovative training programs and self-help groups with the help of new technologies at our disposal, including, digital technologies, such as, mobile and AR/VR technologies and engineering technologies, such as haptics technologies for re-training.
- Psycho-social factors adversely affecting women, such as race, economics, and mental factors
- Development of innovative techniques for training disadvantaged women
- Counselling services for women
- Outreach to disadvantaged women for support, learning and training
- Women’s empowerment courses to build skills and self-confidence
- Awareness raising seminars, lectures, webinars