Compassion-Driven Research & Education for Mankind
Compassion-driven Research & Education for Mankind
Compassion-driven Research & Education for Mankind
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Amrita Institute of Advanced Research (AIAR) - AT A GLANCE

Amrita Institute of Advanced Research (AIAR) engages in research to innovate affordable, sustainable and environment friendly products and processes. We focus on Health, Technology and Social Empowerment.

Dedicated Research Divisions
Sustainable Health Division (SHD)
Conventional healthcare is increasingly becoming less affordable for the society. There is an increasing imbalance between unfavorable side-effects, or toxicity, and therapeutic efficiency. Society is being pushed now to reconsider traditional medicines whose use go back thousands of years and reevaluate our unwillingness to explore other paradigms of healthcare. This division conducts research on new medicinal formulations, including novel and targeted delivery systems design and immunotherapies and biotherapeutics, to develop rigorous standardization of medicinal extracts, to conduct molecular studies on composition and mechanisms of action of medicines, and to establish an artificial intelligence-based digital health platform.
Sustainable Technologies Division (SUSTED)
Reducing our reliance of depleting energy and material resources has now become unavoidable. 10 billion dollars of precious metals are dumped each year in electronic waste alone. The switch to lithium-based energy appears short lived with Li supply expected to run out in as little as ten years given the current and anticipated boom in Li-based energy. New and affordable clean water technologies have become essential for survival. Our SUSTED research team conducts research to develop efficient and sustainable energy and electronics technologies with advanced materials.
Women Empowerment Division (WOMEMP)
Women are the carriers of tradition and the cradle for future generations considering their major role in child development. Yet, modern society faces tough challenges to create an equitable environment fostering the power of women to bring in creativity and compassion to the workplace. Other disadvantaged groups based on race or economic status are also being left out. WOMEMP division conducts research to help address this problem by empowering women and other vulnerable segments of the population through education and skill development programs using technology tools such as augmented and virtual reality and haptics.
Amrita Advanced Academic Programs (Triple-AP)
As part of Triple-AP, AIAR offers educational/training programs in health care, molecular technologies, semiconductor technologies and empowerment of women and disadvantaged communities.

Some love words from research students